Welcome To

i'm changing the way people discover coffee in Kansas City

How did we get to here

My Story

My journey with good coffee began in 2015.

I moved to Kansas City in the summer of 2015 and was quickly greeted with a large number of coffee shops that KC proudly has. The first coffee shop in Kansas City that I had coffee from, was Parisi Cafe in union station.

I was meeting a good friend, who had recommended we meet at this shop, when he ordered me a bourbon barrel pour over. As someone that entered into this new area of coffee, this strange sounding coffee opened my eyes.

What changed

Coffee in kansas city

Having this coffee, changed my perspective radically. I grew up drinking pre-ground, canned grocrey store coffee, so this encounter with a vibrant cup of coffee, that was fresh, and prepared before me, and where the taste was completely different than anything I had prior, sparked something new.

After this, I quickly began to visit many shops and trying new things, as I was ecstatic to learn more about this great coffee. I quickly fell in love with kc favorites like The Roasterie and thou mayest. i began to visit more and more shops!


The start of #CoffeeKansasCity

After creating a new Instagram account, which was not started with the name I have today, I began posting about the local coffee shops and roasters in kc. I was in love with sharing my coffee adventures. In the begining, the photos were for mainly myself and my friends. I had no idea, my simple idea of an account would grow into what it is today.
Prepped with my iPhone camera at the time, I started to visit coffee shops. Snapping picures and drinking lots of coffee, I discovered that the coffee people loved seeing my photos. Welcome to Coffee Kansas City
Last Updated on February 28, 2020 by coffeekansascity

Last Updated on February 28, 2020 by coffeekansascity